First Learn English

Basics and Grammatical Structures.Relevant grammatical structures are determined by language functions appropriate to the task. This means that you need to be proficient in grammatical structures that are used in flight operations. It is expected that you will make some grammatical errors e.g. such errors that could occur in non-routine situations, but the meaning is generally understood.
Virtual classroom/Instructor-led E-learning/Self-study Distance Learning
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English Brush-Up

To 'brush up' means to practice and remember what you have learned in the past…..
We can help you improve your English whether you are an experienced pilot, a cadet entry pilot, a controller, engineer or flight attendant, with custom courses designed specifically for your needs.
Virtual classroom/Instructor-led E-learning/Self-study Classroom English
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Aviation English (ESP) for Pilots

All pilots should be able to speak, read, write and understand the English language. It is essential that pilots who want to be professional aviators including airline pilots have strong aviation English skills
Virtual classroom/Instructor-led E-learning/Self-study English
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ELPAC Testing for Pilots and ATCOs

A test to assess ICAO English Language Proficiency for pilots and air traffic controllers. The ELPAC test has been designed to assess the level of proficiency of air traffic controllers and pilots in the context of radio telephony communications and in accordance with the ICAO language proficiency requirementsthat were putin place in 2011.
Virtual classroom /Instructor-led Classroom In-house English
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Aviation English (ESP) for Ground Staff

Strong English communication skills are essential for all airline staff as they frequently have contact with the public.
- Strong English communication skills - Customer service skills - Cultural awareness and sensitivity when dealing with people - Experience in handling difficult situations - Confidence when speaking with other English speakers.
Virtual classroom/Instructor-led E-learning/Self-study Distance Learning English
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English for the aviation industry

Getting airline passengers safely and happily from one destination to another requires teamwork. The airline industry employs many different people, from pilots and flight crew to caterers and ground crew. Many of these jobs require communication in English, whether it be among co-workers or with passengers. Most airline companies require that their employees be fluent in at least two languages.
Virtual classroom/Instructor-led E-learning/Self-study Distance Learning English
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